
Our vision is to inspire women and girls to embrace Kingdom Living. Our mission is to motivate and strengthen women and girls, to live honorable and wholesome lives by incorporating Biblical wisdom and principles. Our core values are FAITH, FAMILY, FOOD, and FUN!

Our focus scripture is Proverbs 31:30,

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised”.

Femme de Dieu Initiatives:

The Jacqueline Pearson Pichon Scholarship Fund

We award monetary scholarships to women and girls who have successfully completed an accredited educational program an are associated, affiliated, or active within the organization”. A completed application must be submitted by July 31st of each year to be considered.

Marriage Matters

Promoting biblical marriage and purity until marriage.

Royal Retreat

Our annual break away from the trappings of daily life where we focus on connecting with each other.

Serving Society

Service projects aimed at addressing the needs in our communities (i.e., Homelessness, Domestic Violence, Imprisonment, Joblessness, Health, and Financial Literacy).

Beautiful Blocks

Addressing dilapidation and blight in our neighborhoods and beyond.

Tula’s Torch

Continuing the legacy of our Founder.

The Business Branch

Encouraging, Restructuring, and Building businesses, one woman at a time.

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